Thursday, 21 October 2010

How The XX use the Internet

How does the artist market themselves?
  • official Band website
  • myspace -
  • Amazon
  • Youtube
  • Place tracks on myspace for free listening (enables listeners to sample the music and encourages listeners to buy if they like it)
  • Post gig info and band info on official website
  • posters, billboards
  • Gigs 
  • Band Shop (selling t-shirts , 7” vinyls, bags and even skateboard decks)

The Bands Online Shop
2 ways the band use the internet, how they do it and how effective it is?
  • The internet allows the band to sell they’re music. They can do this in 2 ways, digitally by using iTunes and sites such as spotify. Also the can sell their music products like the CD’s through online retailers such as and By selling the music in the two different ways the band are able to maximise their selling potential, as it allows people to download the music straight to their computers or they can order the CD and get it sent to them.

The Bands Myspace Music Page
  • -  Myspace provides a platform for the artists to promote themselves, it allows fans to add them as “friends” making the fans feel more involved of with the band, they can use it to inform fans (myspace friends) of when their gig dates are. They can post videos to the site and the can load up previews and samples of their music. By doing this fans are allowed to sample before they buy which can lead to an increased fan base and more sales
This research will give me ideas and help me when I come to market my fake artist, Chloe Shaw.

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